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Goetz antwortete auf Wüstenfuchss Thema in Fragen zur Steuerung
Zeig doch bitte mal, was du versucht hast. dann ist Helfen kein Rätselraten -
Simple Loco Detection ...
Goetz antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
no apologies needed, Douglas concerning Lua: you can convert any graphical EV into Lua script, simply by pressing the <> key. Saves you from guessing how specific functions need to be written. -
Simple Loco Detection ...
Goetz antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Indeed, we are In the video, I'm still using a track element as trigger, not a contact. But the principal is identical. The huge advantages of a contact are: precise trigger spot - easy to shift directional - you may turn off either direction A or B (under the <> symbol) visible only in construction mode -
Simple Loco Detection ...
Goetz antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
It's always the engine. Even if it pushes a wagon and that wagon touches the contact, triggering the event. The wagon is seen as an extension of the engine. -
Simple Loco Detection ...
Goetz antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Same here. This part is confusing. Because when you set up an event for the occasion, that a train enters a track, you don't specify a particular train: You only specify the track that is to trigger this list of actions. Inside the event definition, you may address the train that triggered the event: or define a condition for your list of actions which specifys a certain train to be at a certain location. But neither appears to be what you did. Would you mind showing a screen shot of your attempt, so that I can maybe spot where your misunderstanding lies? streit_ross is correct in suggesting contacts as the better option. But they aren't the answer to your particular problem (just yet). -
Simple Loco Detection ...
Goetz antwortete auf Dad3353s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello Douglas, Writing in English is okay. And offering a translated text is a nice courtesy. A train should be detected when entering (or leaving) a track, regardless if it is pulled pr pushed. However, when you issue a new command to the train and set it up to affect any train on a particular track, the engine must sit on that track because it represents the train. A better tactic is to store the train which triggered the "track entered" event. Keep it in a variable and when you want to affect this train, address the train via this stored reference, regardless of the track (i.e. Track: any) Does this help or did I miss the point of your question? kind regards Goetz p.s. Which version of the train studio are you using? The event management of V4 and V5 differ greatly. -
und den Sigmund Freud es sicher auch - hihi
Hallo Jens, das will ich gerne versuchen. Dazu müsste ich erstens bitte wissen, ob du die aktuelle Version 5 des 3D MBS nutzt oder die ältere V4? Und zweitens wäre es gut, wenn ich mir deinen Versuch direkt auf der Anlage ansehen könnte. Dann hätte ich eine bessere Chance, eventuelle Denkfehler aufzudecken und zu erläutern. Wenn du deine Anlage (z.B. als Entwurf) veröffentlichst, kannst du hier die Content-ID der Anlage nennen. Dann kann ich sie laden und studieren. Viele Grüße Götz
Semi Trailers and Invisible space men
Goetz antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
good point, Simon -
Semi Trailers and Invisible space men
Goetz antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
The only advice I can offer is: Wait for Version 6, which alters and improves the traffic behaviour significantly. (Among other changes, it makes the spacers obsolete.) -
Dafür findest du unter "Fahrwege" jetzt die Kategorie "Virtuell". Darin sind farbige Fahrspuren, die automatisch im Betriebsmodus ausgeblendet werden. Die könnten eine brauchbare Alternative für deine Zwecke sein.
further to Wüstenfuchs' explanation: keys worth memorising: left mouse button + drag: mark a new area (and lose old markings!) shift + left mouse button + drag up / down: raise / lower ground ctrl + left mouse button: add to marked area alt + left mouse button: subtract from marked area (w sharp edge!)
Junction Signals
Goetz antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Quite And V6 of this software is going to bring changes that'll make traffic control via signals significantly easier. Makes sense to keep what you've got until then. -
Junction Signals
Goetz antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
You're correct on all counts And likewise with your assumptions regarding the light signal displays. The Zs1 states that the signal is out of order and you're permitted to pass it without an explicit written order. So obviously this display is only used, where you may indeed skip one signal without risk, for instance if two block segments can be treated as one by ignoring the signal in the middle. It's not a standard indication whenever any signal fails. That would be dangerous. The double red light is found on signals of the category "Hauptsperrsignal". "Sperre" is a german word for something inhibiting, like a bolt. This signal is mainly found at station exits, where extra vigilance is required, due to multiple tracks converging. The "Blocksignal" and "Hauptsignal" variants have only a single red light. The "Blocksignal" separates one track section from the next (only used on parallel tracks with dedicated directions) The "Hauptsignal" is your typical signal at the station entrance, i.e. before the tracks fan out to the various platforms. The shunting signal (SH1, two white dots at an angle) tell the driver, that he's clear to proceed up to a specially marked point. The marker there is a sign (known as Ra10) which reads "Halt für Rangierfahrt" (i.e. "halt for shunting"). Usually, this Ra10 is placed at a position before the entry signal for incoming trains (with some extra leeway.) Please note: This is a simplified description. And it's the limit of my knowledge, which I accumulated by playing with the 3D train studio and listening to the pros in the community -
Junction Signals
Goetz antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
We have similar settings here, where main signal and distant signal are found at the same location. But they don't share a mast (when they are of the old semaphore type) https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formsignal#/media/Datei:Formsignale.jpg source: Wikipedia With the newer type called "Lichtsignale" you'll find situations where a distant signal is attached to the same mast. The "Lichtsignal" distant signals in 3D train studio have a variant included with no mast (for attachment to existing masts.) If I find the time later today, I'll record a short video for you with further explanations. -
Junction Signals
Goetz antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello Simon, unfortunately, I'm unfamiliar with the British signalling system. I can't relate to "home" and "starter" signal. The signal with the orange disk is the old German way of indicating the state for the following signal. The variant 2 can show three different conditions: "expect halt", "expect clear" and "expect slow at 40 km/h" This advance signal with the disk may be located immediately in front of a main signal (to indicate the state for the following signal) or between signals, with a distance of approx. 1000 meters (comfortable brake distance) to the next main signal. Switch to night view to see the corresponding light combinations. You can connect an advance signal to a main signal and one will always follow the other (both ways) when they change condition. Does that help? Or am I missing the point of your question? Goetz -
Junction Signals
Goetz antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
And what would the driver do if the signal told him that a head-on collision is imminent? Jump off the train? Tell passengers to "brace for impact"? You may be interested to learn that switch points can only be changed, while the protecting signal is set to "halt". And the signal can only be set to "clear" after the following switch points are all locked in position. If the signal shows "clear" (or - as it is the case in your screenshot - "slow at 40 km/h") the driver can be certain that his path is set and free of obstacles. The "slow at 40 km/h" is mostly used when one of the following switch points is set to "turn out", because the tight radius of switch points doesn't allow for a higher speed. -
Junction Signals
Goetz antwortete auf simonjackson1964s Thema in [International] Problems and solutions
Hello Simon, Those ground signals are the classic German junction indicators. And you're correct associating these with junction yards (as well as slow traffic lines, station fields etc.) Fast tracks usually have no junction indicators at all. If there's a protecting signal ahead of a switch point, it'll be only one signal. for both branches. Because there's no point in indicating different conditions for the two branches. Only one train can arrive at this spot. So only one train driver needs to be told if his route is clear to enter or not. Kind regards Goetz -
Ich sage das, weil die Geräusche im Netz oftmals nicht die sind, die benötigt würden. Ich hatte dich aber auch falsch verstanden. Ich hatte dein Posting so interpretiert, dass du von Konstrukteuren Modelle mit passendem Soundsortiment wünscht. Wenn du Zugang zu geeigneten Sounds hast, dann ist Bahnlands Antwort natürlich genau das, was du brauchtest. Mein Posting ging an deinen Bedürfnissen vorbei. Tut mir leid. Viele Grüße Götz
Herzlichen Dank
@Eisenbahner25 Es ist viel schwerer, geeignete Sounds zu bekommen, als Modelle zu bauen. Ein Modell kann man am Rechner bauen, wenn man die nötigen Abmessungen hat. Aber einen Sound muss man vor Ort aufnehmen. Ohne Nebengeräusche. Ohne Hall, Echo oder andere Störungen. Hast du Zugang zu verschiedenen Loks? Und ein geeignetes Aufnahmegerät mit gutem Mikrofon? Und einen Lokführer, der für dich und deine Aufnahmen die verschiedenen Töne alle erzeugt? Aber bitte nicht im Bahnhof, wo es hallt, sondern auf freier Strecke, wo man das Geräusch pur hat. Dann denk beim Fahrgeräusch bitte auch daran, dass du es von außen und während der Fahrt aufnehmen musst. Aber ohne Fahrtwind! Und nicht von einem festen Standpunkt aus, denn das Geräusch eines vorbeifahrenden Zuges nützt nichts. Ahnst du jetzt, wo das Problem liegt? ... vermutlich meinst du: "der Zug könnte vorm unbeschrankten Bahnübergang hupen"?
Deshalb habe ich ja dieses Video ganz aktuell und exakt auf dich zugeschnitten heute früh erstellt.
Hallo Tom aus Schwartau, im folgenden 7-minütigen Video findest du eine ganze Reihe nützlicher Tipps zum Thema: Alt-Taste: Objekt kopieren Strg-Taste: Mehrfachauswahl Schloss Symbol: Gruppe Positionieren / Gruppenelemente positionieren Flexibles Biegen: händisches Anpassen Bearbeiten: exakte Längeneingaben Viele Grüße und viel Spaß beim Nachbau Götz
und es ist auch nicht mehr so unlogisch, wie du gemutmaßt hast